Optimize Process Safety—and Carbon Capture—While Reducing CAPEX

March 19, 2025, 10:00 AM EDT / 3:00 PM CET

Process safety remains a priority for companies, but balancing the design of safety systems to withstand risks against higher CAPEX costs is challenging. Accurate, efficient modeling of depressurization is key, especially in carbon-capture processes.

Join experts from AspenTech® as they share how safety analysis and BLOWDOWN Technology in process simulation allows you to:

  • Manage pipeline depressurization accurately where there is high concentration of CO2
  • Reduce CAPEX by avoiding overdesign of safety equipment using industrial standards
  • Save engineering time with intuitive workflows that leverage simulation results
  • Create and maintain documentation to meet industry regulations

Register now to learn how you can improve process safety and carbon capture while reducing costs to meet industry regulations.

Optimize Process Safety—and Carbon Capture—While Reducing CAPEX

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Optimize Process Safety—and Carbon Capture—While Reducing CAPEX

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