Aspen Epos®

An innovative, scalable data management infrastructure that enhances collaboration, security and efficiency.

Extending the Reach of the Geoscientist

Simple and Scalable

The advanced, architecturally light data management infrastructure is scalable to multiple users and projects.

Secure and Customizable

A centralized repository meets the highest security standards and can be customized based on role-defined permissions.

Integrated and Collaborative

Real-time data workflows and shared access enable seismic, petrophysics and geologic modeling teams to collaborate on projects and interact in a common visualization environment.

High Interoperability

Import/export tools with a wide choice of data formats allow exchange with the OSDU® Data Platform and with third-party repositories.
Aspen Epos: Secure and Efficient Data Management and Interoperability

Learn how the Aspen Epos data management and interoperability infrastructure provides:

  • Real-time data workflows and shared access for seismic, petrophysics and geologic modeling teams in a single environment
  • Common data models, interfaces, services and visualization platforms
  • Easy scalability for changing performance and storage needs as datasets continue to grow
  • Optimal data security and project control for both IT professionals and geoscientists


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