On Demand Webinar

Aspen Polymersによる逐次重合モデルの紹介

Aspen Polymersを活用し逐次重合モデルを構築できます。実験データから反応速度パラメータを回帰し、バッチ/連続重合シミュレーションでポリマー物性を予測します。 モデルを活用することで、実験回数の削減、運転条件の最適化検討が可能となります。

Executive Brief

스마트 엔터프라이즈를 위한 차세대 운영 기술

전세계적으로 시장 상황의 변동성과 불확실성, 복잡성과 모호함이 가중되고 있는 VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) 환경에서 기업들은 경쟁 우위를 확보하기 위해 Industry 4.0과 AI 등 새로운 기술들을 도입하고 있습니다. 이 백서에서 선도적인 기업들이 어떻게 디지털 엔터프라이즈를 뛰어 넘어, 진정한 의미의 미래형 스마트 엔터프라이즈로 거듭나고, 지속 가능한 운영 효율성을 달성할 수 있는지 확인해 보십시오.

Executive Brief

Tecnologías operativas de última generación:Facilitar la empresa inteligente en un mundo cambiante

A medida que las organizaciones en todo el mundo buscan la manera de prosperar en medio de condiciones de mercado volátiles, inciertas, complejas y ambiguas (VUCA por sus siglas en inglés), muchas recurren a las tecnologías de la Industria 4.0 y a las nuevas capacidades de IA para obtener una ventaja competitiva. Descargue este documento para aprender cómo los líderes del mañana crearán no solo la empresa digital, sino una empresa del futuro que sea verdaderamente inteligente, y de igual forma podrán alcanzar la excelencia operativa que será sostenible independientemente de las condiciones del mercado.

On-Demand Webinar

Aspen User Certification™ プログラムとeラーニングのご紹介 - アスペンソフトウェアのスキル向上と評価のために

本ウェビナーではAspen User Certificationプログラムとeラーニングについて紹介します。 Aspen User Certificationプログラムは、オンラインでの洗練された認定テストを通じて、ご自身もしくはチームメンバーのアスペン製品のスキル評価を行なうことができます。認定資格を取得することにより必要なスキルを獲得し、またご自身のアスペン製品の習熟度の確認にもご利用いただけます。

FAQ Document

Aspen Hybrid Models™

Aspen Hybrid Models combine AI and first principles to deliver a comprehensive, accurate model more quickly without requiring significant expertise. AspenTech® is uniquely positioned to leverage over 40 years of domain expertise to make AI applicable to the process industries. This next generation of solutions will democratize the application of AI with Aspen Hybrid Models to optimally design, operate and maintain assets—online and at the edge.

FAQ Document

Top Questions About Polymer Process Modeling in Aspen Plus®

AspenTech® experts have put together this document on top questions and answers to help you get the most value from your process simulation tools including tips and tricks that you can use immediately to reduce batch cycle times and improve overall product quality.

FAQ Document

Aspen Hybrid Models™

Aspen Hybrid Models combine AI and first principles to deliver a comprehensive, accurate model more quickly without requiring significant expertise. Machine learning is used to create the model, leveraging simulation or plant data while using domain knowledge, including first principles and engineering constraints to build an enriched model without the need for modeling or AI expertise.

Executive Brief

新科技时代 变化的世界成就智能企业


Whats New

Delivering higher levels of profitability and sustainability with Industrial AI. We embed AI into our most widely adopted, industry-leading products and solutions, and empower data scientists to collaborate with domain experts to enrich models.

Performance Engineering

AspenTech's performance engineering solution reduces plant CAPEX and OPEX while improving time to market, energy efficiency and profit margins.

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