On-Demand Webinar

Reduce Energy Costs by Modeling the Entire Polymer Process with Aspen Plus® V8.8

In this webinar, learn how to reduce energy costs by modeling your entire polymer process plant with Aspen Plus V8.8.


Organizational Excellence and Estimating Risk: Driving to Better Estimates

Both EPCs and owner-operators need to look at better estimating business processes and systems. That spreadsheet approaches are a major project risk and bottleneck.

On-Demand Webinar

Realice análisis de costos relativos desde un simulador

Cuando se está en la fase de desarrollo del proceso el comprender las consecuencias económicas de las decisiones generalmente requiere que un ingeniero de proceso y un estimador pasen las hojas de datos y las condiciones de proceso de un lado a otro. Con Activated Economics puede obtener las aproximaciones económicas inmediatamente mientras construye la configuración de su proceso sin necesidad de cambiar entre distintos programas de software.

On-Demand Webinar

Rate, Design and Debottleneck Your Entire Flare Network with Accuracy and Efficiency

Ensuring process safety is important across the entirety of your plant or refinery. Within the process safety workflow, the rating, designing and debottlenecking of flare networks are essential to pressure relief analysis (PRA) projects. The Aspen HYSYS® software suite, including Aspen Flare System Analyzer, Aspen HYSYS Dynamics, and the PSV-sizing tool, provides a kit of process safety tools that enable you to produce the optimal flare system design — with greater ease and efficiency —across the complete plant or refinery.

On-Demand Webinar

Rapidly Deploy a Refinery-Wide Process Model for Improved Profit Margin Analysis

Learn how refineries can address their reconfiguration and operational challenges with a robust and manageable refinery-wide process model developed using Aspen HYSYS.

On-Demand Webinar

Promova analytics na visualização de dados para maximizar o desempenho de toda a empresa

Você sabia que até 73% dos dados de uma empresa não são utilizados? Com tantos dispositivos e processos conectados, é fundamental que as empresas capturem, visualizem e compartilhem mais facilmente esses dados de diferentes áreas funcionais. Participe deste webinar para aprender sobre uma solução inovadora. O Aspen Enterprise Insights ™ é uma solução corporativa de visualização e fluxo de trabalho que oferece suporte à decisões em tempo real.

On-Demand Webinar

Prevent Unplanned Downtime with Prescriptive Maintenance

With current shortages in on-site staffing, many companies struggle to prevent unexpected breakdowns. AI and machine learning technology leverage precise pattern recognition from manufacturing assets to provide weeks, or even months, of advanced warning on imminent degradation and failures.

On-Demand Webinar

Prevent Operational Issues in Gas Treating with Aspen HYSYS®

A small operational issue in dehydration, acid gas treating, or sulfur recovery units can turn into a loss of production—or worse, a frustrating and costly shutdown. Keep on top of operations and prevent issues in design with insight from process simulation designed for accuracy and full gas plant integration. Learn how the latest technology in Aspen HYSYS can empower you to troubleshoot and prevent issues in dehydration units, make confident decisions around acid gas units with predictive modeling and much more!

On-Demand Webinar

Potencialice el análisis de datos para impulsar el rendimiento de la empresa

¿Sabía que hasta el 73% de los datos dentro de una empresa no se usan? Con tantos dispositivos y procesos conectados, es fundamental que las compañías capturen, vean y compartan fácilmente los datos en áreas funcionales. Vea el webinar ahora para conocer cómo Aspen Enterprise Insights le aportará estructura y control de agregación de datos y la gestión de proceso en su organización.

On-Demand Webinar

Optimize the Integrated Crude Distillation and Preheat Train Unit with Aspen HYSYS®

Optimizing the operations of the integrated unit comprised of the crude distillation column and the crude preheat train has been a challenge for most refineries, given the difficulty in analyzing the unit as a whole. However, with the ‘equation-oriented’ solver technology in Aspen HYSYS, refineries can build a robust integrated model of their crude distillation column and pre-heat train network. Learn how to employ these advanced capabilities and improve your CDU operations today.

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