White Paper

Protect Profits and Prevent Margin Loss in Downstream

With downstream margins globally close to a 10-year low, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics and ExxonMobil, companies need to find new areas for improvement. Current digital solutions offer ways plants can move beyond mechanical and equipment investments to drive greater profits. Download this white paper that outlines high impact operational improvements that deliver immediate results.


Column Analysis in Aspen Plus V9

Column Analysis in Aspen Plus allows you to view the whole column, identify any hydraulic issues, understand the operating range, and communicate your findings. See the impact of modifications in packing and trays, and cost as you make changes.

White Paper

Pushing the Reliability Envelope: Digital Optimization for the “Always On” Refinery

AspenTech conducted a survey of 240 downstream customers to uncover thoughts and opinions on digital optimization and industry trends for 2018 and beyond. This white paper details the results of the survey and provides the reader with insights on the focus of increased reliability, a top priority for many refinery organizations.


Collaborative Demand Manager for Chemicals

Watch this video for an in-depth view of how Aspen Collaborative Demand Manager for Chemicals can improve your forecasting and demand management process.

White Paper

Multivariate Analytics: The Secret to Better Batch Processes

Are you struggling to effectively organize and analyze your data to troubleshoot bad batches? Multivariate analytics will quickly deliver insights that can increase batch quality, yield and throughput. Manufacturers have already realized 10 percent increase in production and 50 percent reduction in quality variability through the use of such tools. Download this paper now to learn how to get truly meaningful insights from your batch process data for optimal plant performance.

White Paper

Ramp up Reliability With Low-Touch Machine Learning for Hyper Compressor Monitoring

When hyper compressors fail, the cost of production losses can range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars per occurrence. In this white paper, learn how companies are using Aspen Mtell to recognize the early indications of hyper compressor failure, reducing unplanned downtime and catching problems earlier—allowing more lead time to take appropriate action.


Better Agents Faster with Maestro for Aspen Mtell®

Data analysis can get bogged down in identifying, selecting, and preparing data. These tasks consume 50% or more of the time spent doing analysis. Now, with Maestro for Aspen Mtell®, you can automate much of that data preparation. Through automated workflows, time and effort is minimized while reducing the skills and experience required by the end users. Maestro also tackles the selection of the hyperparameters that control the machine learning algorithm and automates feature selection to further reduce the need for data science skills. Watch this video to learn how this powerful AI technology can help you build better Agents in a fraction of the time.


Aspen Unified 次世代のプランニングとスケジューリング

このビデオでは、どのようにAspen Unifiedがプランニングとスケジューリングを単一の環境の中で統合し、意思決定を改善してマージンを増大させるかをご紹介します。 Aspen Unifiedは、実際のプラントデータとの照合、結果の視覚化、ケースセットの作成、最初の実現可能なスケジュールの作成など、多くの日常的な定型作業を自動化します。これによって、年間で数百マン・アワー(人時)もの工数を削減することができます。

White Paper




Aspen Unified 下一代计划和调度

Aspen Unified将计划和调度集中在一个环境中,以改善决策以增加利润。学习如何自动化日常任务,如与实际工厂数据核对、可视化结果、创建案例集和制定第一个可行的时间表-每年节省数百个工时。

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