
Learn how AspenTech Solutions Helped Fix Operational Issues with a Major Refiner's CDU

Learn how a major Middle East Refinery used AspenTech solutions to address operational issues with their crude distillation unit (CDU). This video highlights how the detailed hydraulic analysis capability in Aspen HYSYS, along with its seamless integration with the heat exchanger design & rating software Aspen EDR, helped the refinery troubleshoot a challenging operational issue with their CDU.

White Paper

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White Paper




Enabling Outstanding Customer Service: Incorporating Downtime Into Your Schedule

In just a few minutes, a scheduler can simulate the addition of unplanned downtime, determine its impact, and use the sequencing algorithms to re-optimize the schedule using Aspen Plant Scheduler.

White Paper

Modelos híbridos: Combinação de IA e conhecimento do processo para otimizar ativos

A AspenTech® desenvolveu um método para integrar modelos fenomenológicos de simulação de processos e o conhecimento do processo com IA e algoritmos de analytics. O resultado é um sistema de modelagem híbrida que oferece um modelo abrangente e preciso mais rapidamente sem exigir uma experiência significativa.

White Paper

Optimize Asset Design and Operations with Performance Engineering

AspenTech’s Performance Engineering Solutions can help improve engineering productivity and collaboration. Download this white paper to learn how you can leverage concurrent process engineering and lifecycle project economics to be more agile in bidding, project execution and handover of digital project data to your customer.


Driving Operational Excellence through Digitalization: An Interview with AspenTech CEO Antonio Pietri

In this interview with ARC Advisory Group analyst Peter Reynolds, AspenTech President and CEO Antonio Pietri describes how the process industries are leveraging new technologies—including cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning—to drive greater value from their assets.

White Paper

Modelos híbridos: IA y conocimiento en operación se combinan para optimizar activos

AspenTech® ha inventado un método para integrar modelos de simulación de procesos basados en primeros principios con el conocimiento en operación y algoritmos analíticos de IA. El software resultante de ello es un sistema de modelado híbrido que ofrece un modelo completo y preciso de forma más rápida sin necesidad de una experiencia significativa.

White Paper

Prescriptive Maintenance: Transforming Asset Performance Management

Prescriptive maintenance technology is transforming how companies increase asset availability. With more advance warning of equipment failures comes more opportunity to mitigate the negative impact of those events.


Cómo LUKOIL evita el tiempo de inactividad con Aspen Mtell®

En este vídeo, descubra cómo el mantenimiento predictivo de Aspen Mtell permite a LUKOIL tomar decisiones más rápido y aumentar la confiabilidad en toda la empresa.

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