
Preventing Process Breakdowns with Aspen Mtell

See how Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance prevents catastrophic failure of a centrifugal gas compressor by enabling real-time process adjustments to prevent liquid carryover. This video demonstrates how operators can detect process irregularities earlier and more accurately with Aspen Mtell, and get prescriptive advice to avoid the process degradation that leads to failures.


What is ProMV

This video provides an introduction to the capabilities, applications and value of Aspen ProMV. This version has been edited to two minutes running time.


Transforme su negocio con la optimización de producción unificada de AspenTech

Esta solución integrada verticalmente "unifica" a los planificadores, programadores, operadores e incluso ingenieros de planta para crear un cronograma totalmente alineado para aumentar el rendimiento y generar niveles de rentabilidad sin precedentes.


Visualization and Analytics for Ad Hoc Problem Solving

Visualization and analysis shorten the duration and severity of production disruptions. This video discusses some of the challenges engineers face in rapidly identifying and responding to disturbances.


Technip, SES and WRE on the Value of Model-Based vs. Traditional Estimating Approach

Technip, SES and WRE Provide compelling statements on reducing estimating by 50% time and 60-70% man-hours through using ACCE and integrated workflow.


Technip, SES and WRE on Measurable Benefits of Model-Based Estimating

Technip, SES and WRE Provide compelling statements on reducing estimating by 50% time and 60-70% man-hours through using ACCE and integrated workflow.


Technip, SES and WRE on Improved Workflows for a Changing Business Climate

Technip, SES and WRE Provide compelling statements on reducing estimating by 50% time and 60-70% man-hours through using ACCE and integrated workflow.


Scheduling Automation in the Refinery

Scheduling in a refinery is a complex problem with lots of data to handle. Learn from one of scheduling experts on how an advanced scheduling solution helps ensure smoother operations and better execution of the refinery plan.


SABIC: Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and Operations

The time it takes to troubleshoot issues such as column flooding, and unexpected outcomes from trying to optimize processes can affect the bottom line. Is it possible for process engineers who build complex simulation models full of deep insights, to easily share these models with engineers and operators in the plant? Though not without some initial doubt, Ahmed explains how SABIC did exactly this and drove down costs, streamlined processes and maximized performance to increase margins. SABIC uncovered new opportunities to optimize the business and product innovations and increased their ability to compete globally. All of this was accomplished by putting their simulations models into Microsoft Excel.


Refinery Planning Application Awareness

Planning is integral to refinery profitability; this video will discuss some challenges with this important task, and share some benefits of doing it well. Because there are so many options when selecting which crude to run and which products to make, refiners need an optimizer to help make the best choices. Once the optimizer is in place, planners and modelers with the help of process engineers, must maintain model data. Aspen PIMS-AO is accurate, robust, and fast to deliver increased refining margins to your company. This video shows three examples of how leading refiners using AspenTech solutions to optimize their refineries. Learn more here:

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