Sitecore Version 10.4 - Refreshed
White Paper

7 Secrets to a Well-Run Plant (for Plant Managers)

In this white paper, plant managers, engineers and supervisors can learn the different ways simulations models can be used throughout the lifecycle of their plant. It focuses on seven areas you can use process simulation software (like Aspen Plus or Aspen HYSYS) for troubleshooting, process monitoring, and real time performance monitoring or real time optimization (RTO).

White Paper

Tailoring Your Competitive Advantage - Calibrate Aspen Capital Cost Estimator to Fit Your Business

Understand the full capabilities of ACCE. Calibration will improve bid accuracy by adjusting costs to those mimicing the users. For those that have just started using ACCE or those that want to do Class 3 estimates for both Owner Operator and E&C.

On-Demand Webinar

Beyond the Spreadsheet: Introduction to ACCE for Improved Estimating Speed and Accuracy

Learn how ACCE differs from proprietary spread sheets used in capital cost estimating.  Reduce your errors, time checking work with a workflow that incorporates an "Engineer in a Box".

On-Demand Webinar

Aspen HYSYS Upstream for Sizing and Scheduling of Gathering Systems

During this free webinar, industry experts from Process Ecology will demonstrate how they apply Aspen HYSYS to develop optimal designs of gas gathering networks, while accounting for multiple constraints, to guide their clients in budgeting and pipeline construction scheduling.

On-Demand Webinar

Using Aspen HYSYS Upstream for Sizing and Scheduling of Gathering Systems

На этом вебинаре специалисты AspenTech продемонстрируют на примере компании Process Ecology, как, используя Aspen HYSYS, провести расчет и подобрать наиболее оптимальную конфигурацию трубопроводов газосборной сети с учетом большого числа технологических ограничений.

On-Demand Webinar

Optimice los Sistemas Upstream, de Recolección y de Producción con Aspen HYSYS y aspenONE Engineering

Durante este Webinar gratuito, podrás ver cómo las potentes herramientas de modelado de aspenONE Engineering—junto con el simulador de procesos Aspen HYSYS—se aplican para procesos aguas arriba, incluyendo el diseño de tuberías, recolección de gas y sistemas de producción.

On-Demand Webinar

Mejora la Operación y Diseño a lo largo de toda una Planta de Gas-

En el ambiente económico actual la industria del procesamiento de gas está ha-ciendo esfuerzos extras para reducir costos de operación e incrementar la produc-ción manteniendo la calidad de producto. Esto significa llevar la operación de la planta al límite, minimizando costos de capital en mejoras o modernizaciones, re-duciendo costos de servicios y desarrollando rápidamente diseños completos de la planta.

On-Demand Webinar

Una inmersión profunda en la limpieza de gases ácidos con Aspen HYSYS

Acid Gas Cleaning en Aspen HYSYS V8 permite a las Plantas de Gas acceder a oportunidades de optimización sin precedentes. En este webinar gratuito, aprende porque la tecnología única de modelado de torres del software la convierten en la mejor de la industria.

On-Demand Webinar

Evaluate Sulzer Pumps in Your Process Through aspenONE Exchange

Real equipment data can enrich the accuracy of your process model, allowing you to make decisions more confidently. By accessing API and ANSI pump manufacturer data with the new Sulzer Select Application, you can support process optimization projects, FEED studies and various “What If” scenarios without leaving Aspen HYSYS® or Aspen Plus®.

On-Demand Webinar

Improve Operations and Design Across the Entire Gas Plant

In the current economic environment, gas processors are going the extra mile to reduce operating costs and increase throughput while maintaining product quality. This means driving the gas plant to its limits, avoiding CAPEX in debottlenecking or upgrades, cutting operating costs and quickly developing complete designs.

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