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Activated Dynamics for Compressor Surge Analysis in Aspen HYSYS®
Activated Dynamics enables users to easily transition from steady-state models to dynamic models to better address costly compressor upset and failure. This guide will walk you through the process of using Activated Dynamics to get started with dynamics modeling compressor performance.
White Paper
Solving Three Common Problems Through SRU Simulation
Small operational issues in the sulphur recovery unit (SRU) can lead to higher emisisons — or worse, a frustrating and costly shutdown. Simulation of the SRU can enable more reliable operations and fewer shutdowns through the prevention of issues and quick and effective troubleshooting. In this paper, we present three common operational issues and show how simulation was used to prevent or quickly resolve the situation.
White Paper
Addressing Complex Challenges with Rundown Blending in Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer
The refining market is ever evolving due to market trends continuously changing. Typically, refiners use spreadsheets to develop a schedule, but are often limited to time-based scheduling due to spreadsheet limitations. In Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer, schedulers use rundown components continuously, while respecting tank inventories and constraints, to generate a refinery-wide blend schedule on a single database. Download this white paper to learn more today!
On Demand Webinar
Optimize Column Performance with Column Analysis in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus V9
Having insight into the hydraulic performance of trays and packing can empower you to make better decisions and get the most out of new and existing columns. With the new Column Analysis feature in V9 of Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus, interactive visualization and new and updated correlations can enable you to understand the behavior of the column and its effect on the full process.
White Paper
Dehydration with Aspen HYSYS: Validation of the CPA Property Package
Dehydration units are often overdesigned, resulting in high capital or operating costs. In order to ensure design options meet the necessary requirements of saving capital, solvent or energy costs, thermodynamic modeling and a holistic view of operations is needed. This paper discusses the dehydration modeling technology available with Aspen HYSYS in V10 and above. Aspen HYSYS has historically employed the glycol property package for TEG. With the addition of the Cubic-Plus-Association (CPA) package in V10, Aspen HYSYS can be used to model dehydration with TEG, MEG and DEG.
On-Demand Webinar
Leverage Simulation Models for Plant Operational Decision-Making, Featuring SABIC
The increasing pressure to reduce plant operating costs and maximize profitability can cause anxiety for any plant manager or process engineer. During this one-hour webinar, learn how SABIC took a collaborative approach to solving complex plant issues by using process models to support plant manufacturing and operations teams.
By utilizing Aspen Plus® with Aspen Simulation Workbook (ASW), they enabled plant engineers and operators to benefit from the knowledge and insight gained using AspenTech software.
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