Learn how AspenTech Solutions Helped Fix Operational Issues with a Major Refiner's CDU
Learn how a major Middle East Refinery used AspenTech solutions to address operational issues with their crude distillation unit (CDU). This video highlights how the detailed hydraulic analysis capability in Aspen HYSYS, along with its seamless integration with the heat exchanger design & rating software Aspen EDR, helped the refinery troubleshoot a challenging operational issue with their CDU.
2019年1月15至16日,艾斯本公司在北京成功举办Aspen HYSYS® 软件在中国的首次用户认证培训,并于17日开展认证考试,共有69名来自中国某重要客户的工程师参与此次认证考试。
On-Demand Webinar
Improve Crude Distillation Unit Operations With Advanced Capabilities in Aspen HYSYS®
Rigorous simulation of crude distillation units (CDU) help refinery engineers make better operational decisions, effectively troubleshoot issues, identify operational improvement opportunities and update refinery planning tools. Learn how to use a CDU model in Aspen HYSYS to identify potential column operational issues using advanced visualization tools and determine the impact that feed crude changes have on yield and operations of the CDU.
Enabling the Future Digital Enterprise
For chemical and oil companies worldwide, digital capabilities will be critical to keep them flourishing in an increasingly global market. The challenge is how to channel all of their data into increased revenue and margin.
On-Demand Webinar
Model Distillation Unit Operations with a Rate-based Approach
Frustrated designing your column or understanding how process changes will affect your distillation unit operations? Many non-ideal distillation systems cannot be modeled accurately with equilibrium-based modeling. Rate-based modeling provides a more rigorous modeling approach for complex systems. Once tuned, rate-based models can yield better predictions at extrapolated operation conditions.
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