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Industry 4.0 and Sustainability at WPC2019

WPC2019 explored “The Golden Age of Chemicals,” outlining ways to keep the momentum going as the market shifts.


글로벌 경쟁력 강화에 지속적인 노력을 기울이고 있는 한국의 E&C 기업들

지난 1월말 서울에서 개최된 아스펜테크의 제3회 연례 엔지니어링 위크(Engineering Week)에 참여하면서 저는 한국의 엔지니어링 고객들이 이룬 놀라운 변화를 목격했습니다.

White Paper

Ensure Consistent Operations and Mineral Recovery with Machine Learning

Enhance mine-to-mill-to-metal operations with cutting-edge technologies that drive production increases, cost savings and increased safety for employees, the community and the environment. Learn how machine learning in AspenTech’s asset performance management solutions helps ensure reliable operations, enhance process efficiencies and increase mineral recovery.

Case Study

Reliance Industries Ltd Troubleshoots with Aspen Plus and Saves $2.4M USD per Year

Reliance, an Indian conglomerate, built an Aspen Plus model in-house for a distillation column revamp with Aspen Plus which resulted in increased production by $2.4M/year. Learn how they saved money by building the simulations themselves and coming up with a cost-effective solution.

Case Study

Detección de fugas en el rehervidor con meses de anticipación

Descubra cómo un fabricante de termoplásticos de ingeniería descubrió la causa raíz de fallas recurrentes en sus calderas de tubos y calderas utilizando el mantenimiento prescriptivo de Aspen Mtell.


A Winning IIoT Strategy: Avoid the Common Pitfalls

To ensure IIoT success, make sure your corporate culture is ready — do you have the right skills, data, partner and processes?


Looking into the Future of Energy: CERAWeek 2019

AspenTech's CMO shares insight on navigating the complex shifts facing energy from global industry leaders and policy makers.

Press Release

Aspen Technology to Present at the Berenberg Design Software Conference USA 2019

Aspen Technology to Present at the Berenberg Design Software Conference USA 2019


Exploring Digitalization in South Africa

Leaders in asset-intensive industries across South Africa gathered to discuss the impact of digitalization.


Optimize Wind and Solar Operations and Maintenance

Wind and solar farms must have prescriptive analytics to effectively operate and maintain optimal performance. Learn how you can reduce unplanned downtime and increase profitability at remote sites.

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