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Agilidade digital realizada com APC

Na economia global e em constante evolução de hoje em dia, as empresas de Energia e de Químicos precisam operar com agilidade para atender às demandas do mercado e maximizar margens. O Controle Adaptativo do Aspen DMC3™ agora incorpora poderosos algoritmos de Machine Learning e AI para criar modelos iniciais (ou modelos sementes) utilizando data-mining automatizado aplicado a dados históricos do processo. Assista a este vídeo e aprenda como você pode coordenar vários APC em circuito fechado e otimiza grandes envelopes em tempo real para garantir o alinhamento entre o planejamento, a programação e a operação, reduzindo significativamente as perdas em margem.



在当今不断发展的全球经济中,能源和化工企业需要以新发现的敏捷性来满足市场需求并实现利润最大化。Aspen DMC3自适应控制现在嵌入强大的人工智能机器学习算法,通过简单地挖掘历史数据来建立种子模型。观看此视频,了解如何在闭环中协调多个APC,并实时优化宽幅封套,以协调规划、调度和操作,显著减少利润泄漏和能源成本。


Agilidad digital realizada con APC

En la economía global actual, que se caracteriza por una constante evolución, las compañías de energía y químicos necesitan operar con agilidad para satisfacer la demanda de mercado y maximizar los márgenes. El Control Adaptativo de Aspen DMC3™ ahora incorpora potentes algoritmos de Machine Learning e IA para crear modelos iniciales o semilla, simplemente haciendo uso de data-mining en los datos históricos del proceso. Vea este video y aprenda cómo puede coordinar múltiples APCs en lazo cerrado y optimiza amplios trenes de producción en tiempo real para alinear la planificación, la programación y la operación, reduciendo las pérdidas de márgenes de manera significativa.


The Convergence of AI and IIoT

This ARC Advisory Group report explains how AIoT is built for industrial companies looking for better ways to:


Learn From Carbon Mitigation Innovators and "First-Movers"

In the evolving landscape of carbon capture technology, there is much to learn from “first-movers” and innovators. Many of them will be speaking at OPTIMIZE 2021.

FAQ Document

Aspen Hybrid Models™

Aspen Hybrid Models combine AI and first principles to deliver a comprehensive, accurate model more quickly without requiring significant expertise. Machine learning is used to create the model, leveraging simulation or plant data while using domain knowledge, including first principles and engineering constraints to build an enriched model without the need for modeling or AI expertise.


Expanding the Application of Industrial AI

V12.1 enables companies to achieve profitability and sustainability goals by embedding Industrial AI into our solutions to support a new era of autonomy and sustainability.

Press Release

AspenTech Expands Application of Industrial AI to Achieve New Profitability and Sustainability Goals

AspenTech Expands Application of Industrial AI to Achieve New Profitability and Sustainability Goals

Press Release

Aspen Technology Acquires OptiPlant

Aspen Technology, Inc., a global leader in asset optimization software, today announced the acquisition of OptiPlant to further strengthen the company's solutions for owner-operators and EPC companies in the process industries.

Press Release

Ecopetrol Extends Investment in Aspen Technology Solutions to Accelerate Digital Transformation Initiatives

Aspen Technology, Inc., a global leader in asset optimization software, today announced that Ecopetrol, the largest petroleum company in Colombia, has selected Aspen GDOT™ dynamic optimization software as part of its digitalization initiative to improve refining margins at its two refineries in Cartagena and Barrancabermeja, and upgrading to Aspen DMC3™ advanced process control software in Barrancabermeja refinery.

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