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White Paper

Prescriptive Maintenance: Transforming Asset Performance Management

Prescriptive maintenance technology is transforming how companies increase asset availability. With more advance warning of equipment failures comes more opportunity to mitigate the negative impact of those events.


OPTIMIZE 2021 APM Session Highlights

Our APM team curates highlights and insights from OPTIMIZE 2021 available on-demand.

Case Study

Digital Supply Chain Helps FPCO Reduce Emissions and Waste, Meet Sustainability Goals

FP Corporation (FPCO) is Japan’s largest manufacturer of food containers and a logistics service provider delivering a range of products to stores engaged in food distribution. They needed to provide stable and responsive food distribution in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.

On Demand Webinar

How Aspen Mtell® and Aspen ProMV™ Enhance the Capabilities of Data Science Teams

Feature engineering, state classification and best model selection can be complex, time-consuming tasks for data science teams. While building customized tools is often the first instinct, today’s Asset Performance Management (APM) applications with built-in industry expertise can help data scientists speed up this process to rapidly design and scale new solutions.

On-Demand Webinar

Aprimore os recursos das equipes de ciência de dados com Aspen Mtell® e Aspen ProMV ™

Engenharia de recursos, classificação de estados e seleção do melhor modelo podem ser tarefas complexas e demoradas para as equipes de ciência de dados. Embora a construção de ferramentas personalizadas seja muitas vezes o primeiro instinto, as aplicações de hoje de Asset Performance Management (APM) embutidas com expertise industrial podem ajudar os cientistas de dados a acelerar o processo de projetar e dimensionar novas soluções mais rapidamente.

On-Demand Webinar

Mejore las capacidades de los equipos de ciencia de datos con Aspen Mtell® y Aspen ProMV ™

La ingeniería de datos (ingeniería de características), clasificación de estados y selección de modelos pueden ser tareas complejas y consumen gran parte del tiempo de los equipos de ciencia de datos. Si bien la creación de herramientas particulares suele ser el primer instinto, hay que tomar en cuenta que las aplicaciones actuales de Gestión del Desempeño de Activos (APM) que cuentan con experiencia industrial, pueden ayudar a los científicos de datos a acelerar estos procesos para diseñar y escalar nuevas soluciones rápidamente.


The Aspen Industrial AI Workbench

The Aspen Industrial AI Workbench combines analytics libraries and a production-grade AI collaboration environment to empower both domain experts and data scientists.


Understanding the Impact of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

The sum of the preventive, predictive and operational risk layers in a layered defense strategy provides more complete asset performance management and risk protection — easier, cheaper and faster.

On-Demand Webinar

Modeling Carbon Capture for Scaleup and Optimized Economics Featuring NETL

With more than 60 active projects globally, it’s clear that carbon capture plays a key role in many companies’ overall carbon reduction strategy. However, the economics and technology remain challenging. Digital models are an effective approach for optioneering and evaluating the best carbon capture solution for different applications.

On-Demand Webinar

Navigating the Energy Transition Through a New “Decision Framework”

Do you have the right strategy and tools to navigate the energy transition? As the industry continues to adjust to dramatic change, companies need smarter approaches to the hydrogen economy, renewable energy sources and other key initiatives. A breakthrough innovation can now help you explore the options that make most sense for your business—quickly and thoroughly.

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