News Article
The Industrial Application of RTO Technology at the Yanshan Ethylene Plant
This technical feature story tells how AspenTech’s RTO technology is successfully deployed at the Yanshan Ethylene plant. Optimization is mission critical, as Ethylene is the most important intermediary product in petrochemical production and capacity determines the competitiveness of petrochemical enterprises.
News Article
Process Dynamic Modeling and Simulation for Process Design and Engineering
Written in collaboration between AspenTech's Sunil Patil and customer Saipem, this whitepaper illustrates the business leverage through dynamic simulation using Aspen HYSYS Dynamics as a technology enabler and benefits derived from helping process engineers gain greater insight while making prudent decisions in terms of improved design, reduced project cycle time and execution costs.
News Article
Adopting Plant Simulation to Achieve Safe Operations
This byline discusses how companies can achieve efficient plant operations while maintaining safe operations with reduced labor costs with dynamic simulation. AspenTech advocates the need for companies to make software evaluation to increase the adoption of this technology.
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