The Importance of Process Safety
Joe Bretch of Chevron shares some key learnings he has picked up working at refineries, onshore and offshore facilities, LNG facilities and gas plants.
On Demand Webinar
Petroleum Supply Chain Planning at Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Planner™ (PSCP) helps solve multi-commodity, multi-period transport optimization problems. In this webinar, Supply Planning Engineer Mike Gallo shares how Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC) uses PSCP to optimize and evaluate logistic plans.
Case Study
Maturus Optimi Gets Out of the Gate Fast
Learn how Maturus Optimi leveraged the aspenONE Engineering Desktop to manage business risk in a small company through affordable, scalable access to software. Maturus Optimi helped clients achieve better capital estimates during the feasibility study and early conceptual designs solved difficult process problems with access to a complete suite of best-in-class modeling tools.
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