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Case Study

Compañía Española de Petróleos (CEPSA) Streamlines Scheduling Workflows With Integrated Refinery Scheduling and Blending

CEPSA was looking to improve their scheduling workflows and business processes at their La Rábida and Gibraltar-San Roque refineries. This case study details CEPSA's campaign to reach an integrated refinery scheduling and blending solution. Download the case study to discover CEPSA's journey and the benefits they uncovered.

Press Release

Aspen Technology Announces Financial Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2018

Aspen Technology Announces Financial Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2018

On-Demand Webinar

See How Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Keeps You Up to Speed

Aspen Watch Performance Monitor provides real-time monitoring and diagnostic information to help engineers and operators focus on the problems that erode margins. During this on-demand webinar, Joep Bazelmans of SABIC-Europe will share his methods and suggestions for implementing custom KPIs, helping you keep an eye on performance.

Press Release

Borealis Selects Aspen Mtell® Prescriptive Maintenance Software to Improve Reliability at Polyethylene Production Site in Sweden

Borealis Selects Aspen Mtell Prescriptive Maintenance Software to Improve Reliability

On-Demand Webinar

Latest Innovations in Aspen HYSYS® Streamline Workflows for Improving Refinery Planning Model Accuracy

Learn how you can leverage the latest innovations in Aspen HYSYS to better maintain your refinery planning tools. The streamlined workflow in Aspen HYSYS, enables refineries to update Aspen PIMS™ planning models in-house resulting in more accurate planning models.


As We Enter the “Fourth Stage of Industrial Production,” What Do You Need to Know?

Smart manufacturing systems will be at the center of this revolution — it’s time to get familiar with them!


It’s Time for Concurrent Engineering in the Process Industries

Find out how leading EPCs are utilizing this new way of working to win more projects and execute their project work more effectively.


Digital Transformation: Where is the Value?

As companies look to realize the maximum benefits of knowledge automation, it's critical to focus on enabling "digital workers."

FAQ Document

Top 10 Questions About Acid Gas Removal Optimization With Aspen HYSYS®

This document contains the frequently asked questions on how you can use Aspen HYSYS to optimize acid gas removal. Initially released in Aspen HYSYS V8.3, the new Acid Gas technology has grown with subsequent releases. We hope you find this information useful.

On-Demand Webinar

Simplify Batch Process Improvement Using Aspen Plus®

When developing chemical batch processes, we often find ourselves running costly and time-consuming experiments. But what if we could predict process outcomes first, and only experiment when needed? Learn how industry leaders are simplifying batch process development to reduce experimentation, reduce batch cycle times and develop new processes faster. Discover solutions for reliable execution and easy accessibility in chemical R&D!

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