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On-Demand Webinar

Dow Chemical Makes Better Scheduling Decisions in its Coatings and Polyurethanes Businesses with Aspen Plant Scheduler

The Dow Chemical Company has been leveraging Aspen Plant SchedulerTM to improve customer service and maximize asset utilization for over 20 years. Dow’s internal center of excellence has found Aspen Plant Scheduler to be well suited to address the complex schedule requirements of many of its manufacturing sites. In this presentation, Dow will review how Aspen Plant Scheduler is enabling it to make better scheduling decisions for both its Coatings and Polyurethanes Businesses, optimizing raw material, production and loading rack scheduling against complex constraints and varying demand. Dow has deployed Aspen Plant Scheduler to over 50 plants and has plans to for additional global rollouts. Come hear how Dow Chemical leverages Aspen Plant Scheduler to improve its scheduling capability in support of changing market and customer expectations.

Case Study

Petrochemical Production Facility Drives Value and Maximizes Return with Non-linear APC

Non-linear Advanced Process Control (APC) improved SCG’s product stability and quality, minimized variations, and enabled enhanced transition strategies.

Case Study

Leading Refiner Reduces Planning Run Times from Hours to Minutes and Finds Profitable Solutions

Learn how this world leader in refining reduced planning runtime from 30 hours to 90 minutes, making the process 95% faster and allowing them to respond to market changes much faster.

Executive Brief

Keeping your Refinery Right on Schedule

Scheduling automation software helps increase refinery profitability and efficiency.

White Paper

Protect Profits and Prevent Margin Loss in Downstream

With downstream margins globally close to a 10-year low, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics and ExxonMobil, companies need to find new areas for improvement. Current digital solutions offer ways plants can move beyond mechanical and equipment investments to drive greater profits. Download this white paper that outlines high impact operational improvements that deliver immediate results.


Aspen GDOT™

借助Aspen通用动态优化技术(General Dynamic Optimization Technology)缩小计划与实际运营之间的差距。Aspen GDOTTM 通过实时动态优化和协调多台工艺装置调整计划和调度目标,以确保始终实现惠及全厂的最佳经济效益。


Aspen GDOT™

Cierre la brecha entre la planeación y la operación actual con Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology (GDOT). Aspen GDOT alinea los objetivos de planeación y programación de forma dinámica para optimizar y coordinar múltiples unidades de proceso en tiempo real y asegurar los mejores resultados económicos en todo el sitio de manera consistente y minuto a minuto.

Case Study

Next Generation of APC Delivers Benefits for Ethylene Manufacturer

Learn how Qenos, an Austrailian ethylene manufacturer, used Aspen DMC3 to revamp a demethaniser controller with very limited resources and achieved a 5-10% increase in cold end throughput, a 40% reduction in variability in overhead methane, and a 20% reduction in tower dP.


Infographic: Unified Production Optimization Architecture

With vertically integrated unified production optimization, you can dynamically optimize multiple process units in closed loop.


Realizing the Promise of Embedded AI With Two Key Additions

Learn more about the drivers behind AspenTech's recent acquisitions of Sabisu and Mnubo.

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