Aspen Mtell Recognized as “Best Digital Technology of the Year”
AspenTech was recognized during the 2nd annual “Awards of Excellence” ceremony which celebrates notable achievements throughout the Latin American downstream industry.
AspenTech Dynamic Optimization Technology Recognized for Achievements in Refining
The award recognized the AspenTech's successful track record of nearly two decades delivering significant improvements in margin and energy efficiency through its innovative closed loop, multi-unit...
AspenTech has a 40-year history of innovation, building on our deep expertise in process industries worldwide to develop new solutions to meet increasingly complex industry challenges.
Las soluciones de AspenTech ayudan a ahorrar energía, a acelerar el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y a impulsar la innovación, pues piensan no solo en el presente, sino también en el futuro.
AspenTech solutions help save energy, accelerate scale up of new technologies and drive innovation, thinking not only about today, but also with a view towards the future.
Los expertos de downstream en Latinoamérica se reúnen - ¿Qué debemos saber?
Aproveche al máximo su participación en LARTC 2021 bajo el contexto de las últimas tendencias de la industria de Downstream tales como cambios en las cadenas de suministro, sustentabilidad y...